What's going on here? I've had a few people already say "what's wrong with what Snoop's doing?" Okay, first take a look at what I have up on the posts at the blog I've set up for the site www.pimpalert.com
Here's the main page for pimps who have been sentenced - http://pimp-alert.blogspot.com/2015/07/captured-pimps-and-traffickers-is.html Now the men I listed there are the first couple of sites I found typing in the keywords "pimp" and "sentenced". Notice anything?
Under our "Pimp Alert by State" http://pimp-alert.blogspot.com/2015/07/pimp-alert-by-state.html we can start with the California listings. Here I've put up the list of pimps that police are looking for right now on the loose - http://pimp-alert.blogspot.com/2015/07/aaron-laron.html who starts with Aaron Laron (I'm going alphabetical by first name).
Mercale Alexander - http://pimp-alert.blogspot.com/2015/07/mercale-kmon-alexander-santa-maria.html
http://pimp-alert.blogspot.com/2015/07/shon-tinsley.html and ShonTinsley
Anyone notice anything? Now I don't know if this is because Google is racist and only listing African American male pimps in the retrievals, or if this is from the fact that the DA is only putting together cases against African American me, or if the police are targeting only African American males -but something is clearly going on here when African Americans are only 12 percent of the whole population from what I read recently online.
Now I can tell you from experience that first of all pimps, traffickers and madams are different. If you're unclear about what those differences are you can check out a blog post I created for reporters, producers and the media who are working on stories on the subject. http://sexworkersanonymousmeeting.blogspot.com/2015/07/reporting-on-sex-trafficking-pimps.html I outline the differences here.
Now Linda Lovelace was the first person to speak out publicly about being pimped. Her pimp was Chuck Traynor who after she left him started pimping or "managing" Marilyn Chambers. She's dead now so I can speak about her now without violating any confidences - but he got her hooked on drugs and she would have said anything back then he wanted. I know because she came into my homegroup in Venice, California to get clean. Something which we couldn't talk about while she was alive. After getting clean and leaving Chuck she did work in "soft" porn and hosted things but never returned to hardcore porn before her death.
Now "pimping" is where you receive a prostitute's earnings. http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/pimping-and-pandering.htm It does not state that ALL of that man's earnings come from a prostitute. Under the law, if you receive $20 from a prostitute - that's pimping. I know because my mother was charged with it after the undercover police showed her handing me a bucket of KFC chicken and me handing her a $20 bill. Of course we threatened to protest her charge - but then they threatened to arrest my then 70 year old grandmother based on an electric bill of hers I paid in her name. Heidi Fleiss's father was a doctor if I remember and he also was charged with pimping. So was the cab driver and the hotel clerk the night I was arrested because I'd paid them to run there when I felt it wasn't safe to go home that night.
Now Snoop says in his Rolling Stone article that he "gave the money back" so therefore no DA has arrested him for what he did. However, I ask you if I rob a bank and give the money back does that let me off the hook?
Which also means that even if he gave the money back - he's certainly guilty of "pandering' because to quote his words "I sold pussy". The law also states clearly that the prostitute "asking for it" is not a defense nor is it a defense that they actually kept no money either. Yet Snoop has never been charged or even QUESTIONED by the police about this.
Now the young African American males love Snoop and emulate him. I can't tell you how many victims of pimps tell me that his music plays day and night in their houses. I have an interview with a man who was a pimp since he was 13 years old talking about how he would admire the adult pimp and growing up he would hear the music and the culture and be affected by it http://www.blogtalkradio.com/stopsextrafficktalk/2013/05/20/ex-pimp-of-32-years-tells-all-1
Snoop himself admits to a "lifelong fascination for pimping". He now is a cartoon snail pimp in the film "Turbo" influencing other young men now with his character "Smooth Move" http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jun/13/entertainment/la-et-mn-what-happened-to-snoop-lion-20130612 Here's a clip of the character - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaVMwCGG2uQ
This man has NEVER admitted he harmed anyone, nor issued an apology to the victims our program rescued at our expense because the police wouldn't step in to intervene because the state didn't want to go near a case that would involve him because of the expense and publicity. He was untouchable then and even after bragging about it in this interview it seems.
Which says what to both young men and woman especially of color? His own son told an interviewer on a documentary I saw recently "my father is a gangster". Not past tense mind you. Now not only is Snoop now around other young men and women through his Snoop Dogg Youth Football League - but also CHEERLEADERS! Now he's opened up a medical marijuana delivery service yet I've never ever seen him flash a medical marijuana card yet.
So what's my problem? He's creating a channel for other young African American males to want to be him - and look at what's happening. I'm seeing 21 year old, 23 years old, and even 19 year old young African American men being arrested for pimping across this country. In searching Google - I haven't found one white skinned man. Not English, Polish, Russian, Italian, nothing even remotely white.
And while Snoop may be okay with this - I see him not saying one word to discourage other youth from following in his footsteps. I've seen his foundation working with youth - not a word warning them away from pimping or illegal sex work. https://www.facebook.com/LASYFL Now are you okay with this? http://snoopyfl.net/page.php?page_id=41422 I don't care if he's purple or yellow or polka dotted - is that okay with you as a parent?
He's a saint let's say. What about the people that are around him? The people who are attracted by him? I know that we have pimps who are targeting our youth. These pimps are supposed to be thrown off the school yards and football fields when security sees them. Only I want you to see how many schools his league is in now. http://snoopyfl.net/page.php?page_id=40214&lang=1 Which means if a security guard sees a non-student hanging around acting like a pimp - all he has to do is say "I'm here for the game" and they aren't.
I'm also very concerned that the police are confusing pimping with trafficking. I'm hearing about whole strings of massage parlors owned by the Russian mob - where are the arrests?
I'm hearing about whole strings of strip clubs owned by biker gangs, and for a while the Shady Lady was owned by a very violent dangerous biker gang before they sold it to Dennis Hof. Where are the bikers being arrested for trafficking? Not hard to miss a biker with the tattoos and their colors on their backs.
Or isn't anyone noticing the retired cops who are joining biker gangs and getting into trouble? http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/20/us/texas-biker-gang-shooting-san-antonio-police-martin-lewis/ Chris Butler was also a retired cop turned trafficker - https://www.google.com/#q=chris+butler+prostitution+trafficking+police+california who was white and does anyone have any idea how many YEARS it took to finally get him arrested because of all the cops he had working for him?
But cops, especially white cops, get arrested just like black men right? http://laist.com/2007/02/10/oc_cop_gets_off_in_court_after_masturbating_on_stripper_during_questionable_traffic_stop.php
or http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/vegas-cop-s-alleged-assault-prostitute-may-endanger-federal-gun-case or http://www.kcra.com/news/california-cop-arrested-in-las-vegas-prostitution-case/27641292 or http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/26318436/pd-ca-officer-solicited-prostitution-from-undercover-vegas-cop
Well they might get arrested - but usually the case gets dropped - http://talkaboutwidget.hmbreview.com/topic.php?t=460 But I'd be willing to bet if those two cops ad been young African American men - I doubt it would have been dropped and those 24 victims sent right back to their traffickers and refused to let us speak to them to try and help because that would have prevented them from sweeping that case under the rug of why those two cops were there in the 1st place.
So if nothing else - Snoop has the celebrity to either keep making pimping something young men want to do to be like him and that makes cops think of African American men when they think of "pimps" and go out to arrest someone.
Honestly, when I saw the show on CNN that Jada Pinkett-Smith hosted a few days ago in Atlanta, Georgia - I would swear to you if she had been a white celebrity everyone would have been shouting the show was a racist attack upon black men.
Police - where are the white trafficking and pimp arrests? Russian, Asian, Polish, Italian, Chinese, etc.?
Maybe if you'd stop looking at the TV for ideas on who to arrest and started talking more to us about what's going on out there - you might get a better racial mix on your arrests. We answer the first hotline, the oldest hotline, and the largest hotline for people to call when they want help to leave the sex industry at www.sexworkersanonymous.com But you're not because most of you in Vice are busy covering the backs of your corrupt friends in the department and telling people "Jody is crazy" so no one looks at our evidence. Evidence which when one reporter listened to us he arranged for a "ride along" when we told him we knew two cops would be in town and at one of the illegal brothels. So he then pushed for a surprise raid and guess what? They found 24 Chinese prostitutes, mattresses on the floor, baggies of drugs and two cops. No matter how "crazy" I might be - if I was that crazy as I'm accused of being there would have been nothing at that house when the cops came in during "Operation Dollhouse".
Where are the African American groups that can protest this kind of racial targeting? Oh that's right - she just got murdered in jail where she got placed over a bs traffic stop. Or murdered from a crushed spine they got in custody. Or shot down like dogs in the street http://bluenationreview.com/shooting-of-unarmed-african-american-men/
Hmm - guess that is why no one is speaking up about this.
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